block_hash | string (Keccak256Hash) = 66 characters ^(0x[0-9a-f]{64}|0X[0-9A-F]{64})$ Filter events by a block hash.
block_number | integer <int64> Filter events by a block number.
tx_index_in_block | integer <int64> Filter events by a transaction's index in the block.
event_index_in_log | integer <int64> Filter events by index in the log.
tx_hash | string (Keccak256Hash) = 66 characters ^(0x[0-9a-f]{64}|0X[0-9A-F]{64})$ Filter events by a transaction hash.
from_constructor | boolean Filter events by whether they were emitted from the constructor function.
chain | string (ChainName) Filter events by a chain name.
Value: "ethereum" |
contract_address | string (ETHAddress) ^0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]{40}$ Filter events by a contract address.
contract_label | string (Label) ^[a-z0-9_-]+$ Filter events by a contract label.
event_signature | string Filter events by the signature.
limit | integer <int64> (PaginationLimit) Specify the number of records that should be returned.
offset | integer <int64> (PaginationOffset) Specify the number of records that need to be skipped.